
Croissant Ice Cream Sandwiches

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  • Store-bought croissants
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup corn syrup
  • Strawberries and a heart shaped cookie cutter, if desired. If not, just sliced strawbrerries
  • Chocolate and Vanilla Edy’s Grand Ice Cream


  1. Pour all of the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Let it boil for 9-10 minutes until it’s thick and glazed. Remove from heat. Be sure not to overcook b/c it will turn brown.
  2. Dip the top of each croissant in one-by-one and transfer to a rimmed baking sheet or a cutting board. Wear gloves if desired.
  3. Transfer the croissants to the fridge until the shell is completely hardened.
  4. To serve- add a scoop of vanilla and chocolate ice cream to the bottom croissant piece. Top it with the coated top. Add strawberries on the side.