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Hi, I'm taryn. Welcome to Life & Sprinkles!

about the baker

Hey there! I am Taryn, and I’m from Oviedo, Florida—just a hop away from Orlando. I studied Hospitality Management and spent most of my career in food service, especially in hospitality marketing. But honestly, I’ve been into making recipes forever. In college, I started collecting tons and tons of cookbooks...

Then one New Year's Eve, I decided to shake things up with a fun resolution: I’d cook something new every week. I went a little wild and filled an Excel spreadsheet with hundreds of recipes, then picked random numbers to decide what to make each week. It was a blast, and that's where my real love for cooking and baking kicked off!

what started as a new year's resolution is now this fun baking blog.

Fast forward to now... I spend my days whipping up food videos, running my blog, and hanging out with my favorite sous chef—my daughter, Hayley!

We live here in sunny Florida, and my family and I are all about theme parks, outdoor adventures, and finding the best local treats. I love making all kinds of recipes, not just desserts, so there’s always something new cooking around here! Make sure to subscribe to my emails to keep up with the latest fun! 😊

adding food videos and blog recipes into the mix

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Buttery, sweet sugar cookie cups filled with vanilla buttercream and rainbow sprinkles!

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